
How can Wellmune Support Upper Respiratory Tract Infections?

How can Wellmune Support Upper Respiratory Tract Infections?

Feb 28th 2020

Today, there is substantial global concern over public health due to foreign challenges such as viruses. While a healthy immune system is our best defense against illness, it is also the foundation of overall wellness.Immune health enhances quality of life for people of every age and in every need state, which is one of the reasons that Kerry’s proprietary consumer research indicates immune health …
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Fox 4News: Cold and Flu

Fox 4News: Cold and Flu

Feb 1st 2019

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Before you get hit hard by runny noses or high fevers this winter, it's important to learn the truths to beating the flu and colds. Medical expert and celebrity health author, Bryce Wylde visited FOX 4 to debunk some myths related to the winter sicknesses. Wylde is well-known for his regular contributions to "The Doctor Oz" show. …
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Fact vs. Fiction when Fighting the Flu

Fact vs. Fiction when Fighting the Flu

Feb 1st 2019

CBS-KCTV 5 News: Celebrity health author and Alternative Medicine Expert, Dr. Bryce Wylde talks about natural nutrition like from the Abies alba bark speed up the healing process. Scientists have turned Abies alba into products like Rev•Up Wellness Defense which mobilizes your white blood cells and get your immune system all revved up.<iframe width="560" height="315" src=" …
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10 Natural Ways to Get Relief for Colds and Flu

10 Natural Ways to Get Relief for Colds and Flu

Posted by Joanna Cosgrove on Nov 1st 2017

It’s that time of year, when stuffy noses, sore throats, and annoying coughs can morph into colds, and worse—the flu. OTC and prescription medicines promise relief, but they don’t come without bothersome, and sometimes dangerous, side effects. A better strategy—certain herbs, vitamins, and minerals have proven to be effective alternatives to OTC decongestants, cough suppressants, and expector …
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